Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nagging~ Nagging and Nagging

Just now met my housemate at the library, and she make me puke again~!!
Since I met her in the library, the 1st word she is asking is: How is your study?
(because the mid-course exam is coming soon and I know everybody is busy on studying.)

I said today I not planning to study, I just want to finish my homework and stuff.

Then, she said she saw others came to library, and she said: See~ everybody is studying, just only u are not study~!
I am silent and didn't say anything.

After that, again....
She: When do you want to study??

My emotion straight away BOOM~! and I said: Why everybody study mean I have to study? Why you so care that I am study or not?

Actually I just want to say: it is none of your business that i m studying or not, please don't bother me. I know she want to know when I am going to study and she want to be faster step than me....
If she want to study I won't stop her, but please don't keep nagging and asking because i feel very fed up and want to puke.

The exam is not tomorrow or next week.... I still have time to do my revision. If I am no mood in study, no matter how I pretend to be hardworking, it also won't go into my mind.
I don't want to pretend study to let everyone look at. I will study when I am needed.
Please don't be so busy body. I hate people nag at me, keep asking me and keep want to compared with me~


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As we know bird nest lately is very popular in Malaysia. Many people start to breed and feed the swallow for their bird nest.Pure bird nest price can from RM2,200 per Kg to 4,000 per Kg.
But are we really need bird nest? or Do bird nest really can give us the protein that we want??

I search on internet and this is the result I got from Wikipedia.

燕窝中含有50%的蛋白质,30%的碳水化合物,5%的铁,3%的其他矿物质,以及1.4%的纤维素。燕窝的蛋白质主要是上皮细胞分泌的黏蛋白(换句话也 就是口水),其中它只含有1种必需氨基酸(赖氨酸),3种条件性(某些人群缺乏的)必需氨基酸。   而人体需要8种必需氨基酸,13种条件性必需氨基酸,因此,燕窝的蛋白质营养价值极低,这一点已为动物试验证实。给大鼠饲喂燕窝加上另外一种成分单一 的食物,会产生蛋白性营养不良。也就是说,燕窝蛋白质的营养价值在数量,而不在质量上。但通常人们“偶尔为之”的食用量在数量上来说微不足道,因此,燕窝 在蛋白质方面的营养价值,还远远不如各种肉类、大豆等高蛋白食品。   碳水化合物对并不缺乏营养的人群来说没有营养学意义,二两燕窝能提供345大卡的热量,相当于二两米糕或者面包,而价格上相差上万倍了。   说到铁和矿物质的含量,燕窝的确算是佼佼者。但燕窝尤其是血燕中的矿物,是来自自然矿物的渗透或者是燕子筑巢中带入的杂质,这些矿物是无机物,人体对 它们吸收甚少或者根本就不会吸收,因此其营养价值可以忽略不计。   最后一项有营养意义的成分是纤维素,这一成分含量平常,吃一个苹果就抵得上4两燕窝中所含纤维素了。   总而言之,燕窝成分功能单一,不像我们所吃的其他食物,大部分是全细胞性食物,富含有机生命需要的各种原料,从营养学价值上来说,燕窝只是一种低级食 品,营养有限。

Actually, I am not really support people breed the swallow, because when we breed them of course their quantity will grow rapidly. When the quantity of swallow increased, their food will decrease. This will destroyed the environment cycle.

Another reason I not support in swallow breeding is because we didn't really know does the swallow have any disease or not? If swallows bring the disease to us, how we going to defend it because of the quantity amount already growing huge?

Do produce bird nest = safe and high profit??
Maybe now it is.... but how about future and how about the Earth??

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are we carnivore or herbivore?

Nowadays, many people become a vegetarian. Some people think that killing animal is cruel and mean. Some people think that only vegetables is healthy but meat ain't. Some people also think that humans are actually a herbivore, because our teeth is flat and without a canine.

Is it a true that human is a herbivore?
The answer is wrong. Actually our body need meats to make protein and many vitamins and mineral that vegetables can't give us. Our body cannot support without having any meat; we will feel tired, moody and even become stupid.

Who say that animals with canine must be carnivore and animals with flat teeth must be herbivore?
This is just a primary school knowledge.
Gorilla have big canine right? but do you know that gorilla is a vegetarian? The canine is just a communication between the same species.

There is a reason why our teeth is flat unlike other carnivore.
We invented some weapon to hunt, and fire to cook. This make us doesn't need to use teeth to hunt and take long time to chew, so our teeth reduced and become flat.

If you are a vegetarian and don't want to eat meat, you have to take many minerals, vitamins, and protein tablets to keep yourself healthy. To be a vegetarian is not only have vegetables only, this would not make you healthy but you will be more tired and lack of strength.
If you want to be a healthy vegetarian, you must eat many types of vitamins to meet your daily needs.
you can be a half vegetarian, which is have vegetables, milk products, egg products and fish products.

Please don't listen to some people that telling you human are herbivore~!
This is untruth and ridiculous~!

PS: Vegetables also have life; they just can't speak and move, but they have emotion just like a human too~ If you think eating an animals is cruel, why don't you think that when you eat vegetables, you are eating a living things who are disable? Which one is more cruel??

Fun Fact: Did you know plants can communicated with each other by releasing a chemical?

( this is just my personal comment, it doesn't mean to offense anyone.)