Empty promise again. I really hate it....
Every time I am home there is sure something bad happen.
Argue again which make me so damn tired. Got no strength for this anymore....
What's wrong with me if I save money for travel?
Why you always don't let me travel and want to cut down my money? This is the money I save for so long and so hard. Can you don't care my business?
I am honest with you because I am respecting you, if you don't want then don't try to promise me.
Now you take back your words and make me drop from heaven to hell. How mean are you?
I hate this kind of thing happen to me....
You said before you send me to oversea because you can effort it, now you complaint that I didn't think about you?
You want me to study medical, I drop my favourite event management just want to make you proud and happy....
How can you said I never think about you? I do everything for you and I know you also do everything for me.... so.... I very respect you....
I go travel and I never ask for you for a single penny, why you still want to break my dream?
You promised me everything that you will do for me when I come back and now you have done nothing for me and still want to cut down my money when you heard I got saving?
How can you do this to me? How can.....? How can...... ?
I still will go to travel.... because it is my dream and I won't let it go easily.....
Maybe not coming home is the right choice and also a peaceful way to do it.......
Next time, I won't tell you everything because I try to respect you but I don't get any respect from you.....