My daddy already passed away about 3 years and this year my mum just finish his new home (grave stone) so... we invite lots of people...some people suggested that want to put some fire works... ( mostly "Ching Ming" will pray on morning or afternoon) Our "Ching Ming" is different ... We pray at midnight!
On that day, my family said something really made me pissed off~
I woke up early in the morning on that day to make some "bao & kuih". When afternoon tea time we chit-chat and I was asking why some people never let their daughter ( all the girls) to pray at grave yard~
Some people "pantang" about this. They answered me... and mum said she very fair coz she never do this to us(daughter).
Then, this f*** off conversation started...
My aunt : actually this is the law~ the 1st incense stick (xiang) is for the son... daughter must
understand this law~
Me : ......(o...ok)
Mummy : ya~ actually daughter shouldn't bring anything to go (mean the houses, cars....).
Me : ..........
My aunt : ya~if we girls (her sisters) go pray our parent, we never bring anything and the 1st
incense stick is sure for my brother...
Me : .........
The whole conversation I just keep silent~ I woke up early in the morning and made all things by myself till night time~ from planning, packing, making etc... all I do it alone and nobody help me~ all my pay back is this? daughter shouldn't do this and that? How hurt is that....
The most unfair things is my bro and his wife do just a little bit coz everything my mum ask me to do... This really make me pissed off~ If daughter can't pray or shouldn't bring things to pray my dad then don't ask me to do everything for the son~!
but... on that night something happened and make me get back my mood...
My bro put on the 9'feets incense stick (actually 9'feets can burn for so many hours).
The incense stick fell down when we burn "money" that time and burst.
Few second, 3 sticks of 9'feets incense stick left just ashes.... my bad mood? just like the ashes~ Fly Away~!
I woke up early in the morning on that day to make some "bao & kuih". When afternoon tea time we chit-chat and I was asking why some people never let their daughter ( all the girls) to pray at grave yard~
Some people "pantang" about this. They answered me... and mum said she very fair coz she never do this to us(daughter).
Then, this f*** off conversation started...
My aunt : actually this is the law~ the 1st incense stick (xiang) is for the son... daughter must
understand this law~
Me : ......(o...ok)
Mummy : ya~ actually daughter shouldn't bring anything to go (mean the houses, cars....).
Me : ..........
My aunt : ya~if we girls (her sisters) go pray our parent, we never bring anything and the 1st
incense stick is sure for my brother...
Me : .........
The whole conversation I just keep silent~ I woke up early in the morning and made all things by myself till night time~ from planning, packing, making etc... all I do it alone and nobody help me~ all my pay back is this? daughter shouldn't do this and that? How hurt is that....
The most unfair things is my bro and his wife do just a little bit coz everything my mum ask me to do... This really make me pissed off~ If daughter can't pray or shouldn't bring things to pray my dad then don't ask me to do everything for the son~!
but... on that night something happened and make me get back my mood...
My bro put on the 9'feets incense stick (actually 9'feets can burn for so many hours).
The incense stick fell down when we burn "money" that time and burst.
Few second, 3 sticks of 9'feets incense stick left just ashes.... my bad mood? just like the ashes~ Fly Away~!
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