I had a really bad weekend, feel tired and want to cry~
Remember the 2 thingy I mentioned last time?
I think they have nothing to gossip about their housemate anymore, and my nephew GF already back to China.
They are too bored, and start to burn my ass~(gossip about me)
Last Friday, as usual I went back to my cousin house, and we going to Rotorua. When I arrive to my cousin house, I realise that the atmosphere is changing~
1st I feel like my cousin is try to ignored me~(maybe I m just too sensitive?) Then, we went to super market buy some food and snacks to Rotorua. I don't know that we have to shared the pay and I didn't choose anything coz I want to save money. The 2 thingy choose all the things they like and without asking me and the housemate. Choose the food they like and I have to shared the pay with them~! FINE~!
2nd, I thought my cousin will help me pay the food, (coz last time she pay everything for me) but now no. I have to pay for myself.....ok~ this is actually I should pay for. My cousin already paid for her son, but her son didn't join us at last. She ask the 2 thingy keep the balance. ( I'm her cousin and she owe my mother money, she don't even pay a small amount for me but ask them to keep a change.) FINE~!
3th, Friday night my nephew send me to my apartment to take some stuff. We meet their parent in the Restaurant. There is a 4 glasses of Chinese Tea on a table. 2 glasses is near my cousin. So, I take 1 glass a drink. My cousin face suddenly changed in color and ask her husband to get 1 more chinese tea for her. I was stunned at that moment, b'coz I thought that is my glasses? The tea can be refill and it's free~ She not talk to me and after she eat, she didn't wait for me and my nephew. Just walk out and go back.
The night, I talk to the 2 thingy housemate, she said last week she went out dinner with them and the after dinner gossiping topic was me~ and the housemate says :
They can gossiping about me when I not around and make people hate me, they also will gossip about you.
Not only that~ They went to see houses to move....
My Cousin: Wow~! The house is so so nice... feel want to rent but I scared after you all (the 2 thingy) go back to Malaysia then I have to pay the rent by myself.
2 Thingy: Ya la~ the house is nice la~!
My Nephew: Never mind la~! After you all go back then cherry (me) can move in and stay with us mah~!
My Cousin: ........ (face changing and silent)
2 Thingy: aiya~ we not really keen on the house la~
This is what their housemate told me, my mum still want me to move to their house with this kinda situation? I don't even want to go their house on the weekend anymore.
PS: They some more read their housemate notebook without permission, (maybe they think is diary) and I m so sure they have read my expenses letter from the bank. So, they only have things to gossip.
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