I'm so surprise that my cousin bought me a birthday cake. It's a fruits cake and taste very nice. So touching... still have someone buy cake for me.
When I arrive my cousin home, ( she rent a room to 3 girls) my nephew GF also arrive after 1 hour. Then, I discovered that my cousin don't like my nephew GF, she and the 2 thingy ( tenants) keep gossiping something.
I never care what they are gossiping, but please don't try to says something bad to break other relationship. Since the 2 thingy came, they are so busy body and so selfish... 1 is not bad, but nobody likes her coz of the 2 thingy.
Selfish : my cousin will ask them to eat and drink sometimes, but 1 day the 2 thingy bought a bottle of wine and they hide inside the room and drink... >.<"
Busy Body: The 2 thingy like to look at others privacy things without a permission, such as camera, really macam "patt po" from a small village.
I don't care what the 2 thingy want to do or what they done, but please respect others.
After that, my family sign on msn and cam chat with me, I was so happy and non-stop talking... ( 1 of the thingy curi-curi listen my conversation~!) WTF~! So "Palia" ok~ They not just only curi listen my conversation and also curi listen another girl conversation... >.<"
This morning keep gossiping about the girl (about the conversation)
Then, I called itu SJB.... I really worried about her... I already keep on remind her and remind her something but I dont know why she still want to join xx.
Maybe I was too sensitive? but.... honestly I really have the bad feeling about that~!
Maybe I don't want my SJB speak something with unrealised?
I don't know~ and I really lazy and tired to discover all the things.....
but I still willing to listen~
- I'm very tired to face the problem anymore -
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