Saturday, July 2, 2011


Is it racism in Malaysia so famous in the world? I think it is....
Last week I was going to peace and justice department in New Zealand to stamp my passport copies for applying university. There is a Indian old man in charge in stamping our passport copies and my friend is the 1st one who going inside, when she came out she said the people just ask a few simple question. When it was my turn, the conversation start:

P/J: hmm~ you are Malaysian.
Me: Yes...
P/J: You want to get PR here right?
Me: hehe... hope so... ( why he suddenly ask this question and why he is so sure i want be a PR?)
Me: Is it many Malaysian come to New Zealand to get PR?
P/J: Ya... are you "bumiputra" ?
Me: No...
P/J: That's why~! You are non-bumiputra and you know what I mean right?
Me: haha... O.o" yes... I know...
Me: Are you a Malaysian too?
P/J: No, I am from Sri Lanka and I work in Malaysia (Petaling Jaya) before, I know whats the problem there....
Me: I see.... O.o"

At last the peace and justice didn't ask me any question, the whole process we just chat about PR and hinting the racism in Malaysia. I was so surprise that people from other country know our own problem. This make me feel shame and as a Malaysian I really don't know how to reply all his words. What I can do is just keep smiling all the way.

I hope this problem will solve it one day.... If our country not racists, maybe our country is the most developed country in South East Asia. I just feel that actually our country really is stepping backward~

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