Thursday, November 25, 2010

Funny Conversation

Lately, I'm quite busy for preparing exam and tomorrow is my last subject~ Yeah~

This few day I was hanging out with group of Chinese (China Chinese) and I realized that our conversation sometimes is quite funny~...

This Post I will type in Chinese and so sorry for those who can't read Chinese....
Here is few conversation we've made:

Conversation A:
Friend H: 哇靠~那女的妆好浓哦~!
Friend B: 我最讨厌女子化妆~!
Me: 我也有化妆阿~!那你非常讨厌我咯?
Friend B:....... 我完全不觉得你化妆。。
Me: ...... >.<" (means that I m no difference with make-up or not??)

Conversation B:
Friend T and me keep "suan siao" Friend B~ then Friend B pop out this word~
Friend B: 人和畜牲的分别是,人永远听不懂畜牲说的话。
Friend T: 你们听懂吗?
Me & Friend H: 听不懂~!! (another way means Friend B is an animal) hahaha....
Friend B: .........

Conversation C:
Friend T, B and H were discussing about girl's look~
They talked about who is ugly and what type considered as ugly~
Me: 如果她也叫丑,那我就非常丑咯~
Friend T: 你放心, 你是我们班花嘛~
Me: 那是因为我是班上唯一的女生....
All of Them: 是咯~所以才是班花咯~!HAHAHAHA~!!!
Me: .......... O.o" (actually there's 1 more middle-east girl but getting marry soon)

Conversation D:
Friend T asked Friend B: 叫我哥哥....
Friend H asked Friend B: 叫我爷爷....
Me asked Friend B: 叫我妹妹就好..... (because he is younger than me)
Friend B: ..........
Friend B: 我就叫你师太吧~!
Me: ..... O.o"
All of Them : 师太好~!(call out loud)
Me: >.<"

Conversation E:
They teaching me China style swear words~
Friend T: 脑残,白痴。
Friend H: 吊,你妈B。
and many more.....
Friend T: Slacker...马来西亚粗口怎么说?
Me: Ci Bai~!
All silent few second~
Friend T: 哇操~~ O.o... 想不到你会说这么粗的脏话~!
Me: ........ 你听懂哦?
Friend T: >.<" 你说呢?
( People always says Dirty words = International Words, now prove that it is true~)

1 comment:

  1. hahaaaahaa....
    next time friends ask you, you say cin ci mai than better
